Local Food Directory Needs Producer Info
Posted: March 6, 2013The Northeast Iowa Food & Farm Coalition (NIFF) is updating the Local Food Directory for Allamakee, Chickasaw, Clayton, Fayette, Howard and Winneshiek counties. This directory is part of the Iowa Buy Fresh Buy Local campaign.
The directory includes listings for producers of fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, eggs, baked goods, honey, herbs and syrups. In addition, local farmers markets, stores and restaurants featuring local food are also listed.
Any producers or businesses who would like to be listed in the 2013 directory should visit www.iowafreshfood.com for more information. Producers may also contact Teresa Wiemerslage, ISU Extension and Outreach at 563-794-0599. Directory items need to be received by April 1 to be included in this year's publication.
The NIFF Coalition and the Food & Fitness Initiative (FFI) are working together to create community environments that support access to fresh, locally grown, healthy, affordable food and safe environments for physical activity and play. More information about these programs can be found at www.iowafoodandfitness.org.