Cresco selected for Iowan's Fit for Life program
Posted: January 15, 2013How are you doing on your New Year's Resolution? If you're like many people, you may be working on becoming more fit and healthy. Well, here's a way you can kick start your Resolution while also making a difference in your community!
The City of Cresco has been selected as one of 10 communities from across the state to participate in the Iowan's Fit for Life program sponsored by the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH). As part of the program, the community will participate in a workshop to identify existing options for nutrition and physical activity in our homes, businesses, schools and neighborhoods. Ultimately, the goal is to identify community health-related projects that improve access to, or use of, these assets for all community members. Once the project ideas are approved by the IDPH as supporting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) recommended strategies for obesity prevention, the community will be awarded $10,000 to implement the projects.
A Steering Committee has been formed to guide the program and to make project decisions based on community input. The Steering Committee invites all community residents to an "asset mapping" workshop to be held at the Hawkeye REC meeting room on Monday, Jan. 28 and will be facilitated by staff from Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission. The workshop will begin at 5:30 p.m. and refreshments, compliments of Kerian Water Store, Fareway and A&W, will be served.
Please join us for the workshop and provide your valuable ideas for helping Cresco become "Fit for Life."