
Food and Fitness Initiative Seeking AmeriCorps Members

Posted: July 10, 2012
Food and Fitness Initiative Seeking AmeriCorps Members

The Northeast Iowa Food & Fitness Initiative (FFI) has been awarded four AmeriCorps positions to serve schools and communities in northeast Iowa for one year starting Sept. 1.   The positions are valued at $115,200.

The four AmeriCorps members will join a team of enthusiastic people working in over 20 schools to promote farm to school, active kids and school wellness.  

Luther College is the host organization for the FFI AmeriCorps positions which are part of the Iowa AmeriCorps State of Promise Program hosted by ISU Extension 4-H Youth Development in collaboration with Iowa's Promise and the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service.  AmeriCorps members serve with youth development programs in communities across the state. Membership is open to U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents age 17 and older.

AmeriCorps members will be based out of Luther College, but can live in any community in the six-county region: Allamakee, Chickasaw, Clayton, Fayette, Howard, Winneshiek.  Member housing will influence school district assignments.  Service members receive a modest living allowance, travel reimbursement and an education award which can be used for higher education tuition or loan repayment after completing a full term of service.

Continue reading to apply!

Job Description -- FFI School Resource Contact
•    With coaching, service members will become a resource for school wellness committees in three school districts.  They can expect to strengthen relationships with schools and communities regarding wellness for area youth. 
•    On the ground, service members will start or maintain school gardens in many of the communities. 
•    They will deepen the understanding for students, teachers and staff about the benefits of growing and consuming real food and being physically active. 
•    Education may take place with member as the teacher, while at other times the member will coordinate and train others to be leaders in this work.  
•    Service members will organize school-community events that showcase Farm to School/Safe Routes to School programs, develop community partnerships and build healthy families. 

Service members will be spending most of their time in their assigned schools.  Members may live in local communities or may commute from Decorah.  Positions are based at Luther College in the  Environmental Studies department where there will be a staff meeting each week.  Luther will provide a desk, computer and phone if needed.  

Applicants should posses these skills: 
-Ability to work with others
-Good communication skills
-Experience with youth
*Post-secondary degree preferred.

Review of applications begins July 20, 2012. Please submit résumé along with a letter of interest highlighting: 

What character traits and skills do you possess that make you suited to this position?

How does serving as an AmeriCorps member fit with your personal and professional goals—why do you want to be an AmeriCorps member? 

Please submit electronically to Emily Neal, Director of School Outreach at Luther College: or send hardcopy to:
Luther College
Attn: Emily Neal
700 College Drive
Decorah, IA. 52101

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