Bananas for Burritos at North Fayette Senior High School
Posted: May 21, 2012North Fayette Senior High served "banana burritos" for its second Fuel Up to Play 60 breakfast taste test. Leah Chapman, the FFI Resource Contact, proposed the idea of serving banana burritos to Carol Stanbrough, the district's food service director, after seeing a documentary about reforming the school lunch and breakfast program. Stanbrough thought the burritos would be a big hit with the students and would be a nice substitute for the "breakfast burrito" that they currently serve.
Chapman worked with Stanbrough to make 150 banana burritos on April 2. The banana burrito is made out of a whole-wheat tortilla, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a whole banana and a drizzle of local honey. Stanbrough purchased local honey from a farm in Elgin, Iowa.
Chapman and Stranbrough cut the burritos in half and served them as students came through the breakfast line. After all the students finished coming through the line, Stanbrough held a cafeteria-wide vote to see whether or not students liked the burrito. The majority of students said "yes." Carol will add the banana burrito to the school breakfast menu and will serve it with yogurt in order to meet the National School Lunch Program requirements.