Gather Your Team and Register! School Wellness Team Retreat, March 21, 2012
Posted: March 2, 2012
School Wellness Teams in northeast Iowa are invited to a regional retreat hosted by the Northeast Iowa Food & Fitness Initiative (FFI) at Luther College on March 21.
This retreat will celebrate the partnership between the FFI and our many school communities. Together, we're working to shift school culture to embrace wellness and grow healthy kids!
The day will start with a special keynote on Iowa's Healthiest State Initiative given by Rebecca Wampler, Director of Health Care Sustainability at Wellmark Foundation. Breakout sessions will focus on team building, best practices and resources for schools. A family-style lunch featuring local foods will be served at Peace Dining Room in the Dahl Centennial Union. The meal will illustrate how to feed a local, healthy meal to a family for under $10.
Learn about the 2012-2013 Food & Fitness Action Plan, as well as the vast number of accumulating resources to help you accomplish your school wellness goals. Download the agenda. This workshop is designed for teams— we strongly recommend diverse representation of your school wellness team including a food service director, classroom teacher, parent, administrator, community member, P.E./health teacher, youth coach, and youth representatives.
Registration will start at 8:30 am at the concourse in Valders Hall on North campus and the day will conclude by 2:45 pm.
Registration is free but conference space is limited so early registrations are encouraged! The final deadline is Thursday, March 15. Click here to register or contact the Winneshiek County ISU Extension and Outreach Office at 563-382-2949.
(Maximum registration per school is 10. A $300 stipend is available to offset travel and substitute costs for schools that send teams with these members: at least 5 team members including 2 students, 2 paid staff and 1 administrator).
We look forward to seeing you there!
Tag: schoolwellness