
Excited for Zucchini in Oelwein

Posted: January 5, 2012
Excited for Zucchini in Oelwein

By Stephanie Conant, FoodCorps and Oelwein FFI Resource Contact
I had a blast this month in Oelwein elementary schools doing taste test samplings of zucchini and dried plums (also known prunes) as part of the BASICS Nutrition Program lessons.

Interestingly, when I asked Oelwein students what they were going to eat over the holidays they all raised their hands and listed off fruits and vegetables.  Many of the students also went on to tell me that "instead of eating junk food all the time he/she also needed to eat healthy food."  It's possible that students were just listing fruits and vegetables because I was there; however I believe the wellness work of administrators, teachers, and staff in Oelwein schools is really having an effect on students. 

On my second day in Oelwein, I talked with a teacher who had a son who had tasted the zucchini and plums the day before.  She told me her son was so excited about the zucchini that she was going to buy some at the store.  Seeing the students enthusiastic about fruits and vegetables is helping me find meaning in my work, and in this celebratory season.

Pictured right:  Conant talks to students at Turkey Valley about pumpkins.
Tag: schoolwellness

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