
Regional Youth Investigate Value of Food

Posted: December 12, 2011
Regional Youth Investigate Value of Food

Members of youth FFI 4-H teams recently attended a workshop focused on the concept "Food has Value."

Youth, youth coaches and 4-H County Youth Coordinators participated in three interactive stations: Would you Rather?, Face Your Plate, and Share the Wealth Shopping Drama. At each station students explored a variety of scenarios and questions. Participants were encouraged to think about the value of consuming whole, fresh foods and shopping locally.

Youth and adults were also given food investigation journals. They will share their reflections at the next youth meeting.  Youth will continue their investigation of the value of food by listening to panelists including food service directors, local farmers and food procurement specialists. Youth will develop definitions of "local" for their schools.

After lunch, the youth participated in a game of frisbee golf at a local park.  The Postville FFI 4-H Team raised funds and installed the course as a project earlier that year. 

Tag: youthengagement foodsystems

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