
Iowa Safe Routes to School Partnership Launched

Posted: December 9, 2011
Iowa Safe Routes to School Partnership Launched

Beginning in 2012 the Iowa Safe Routes to School Program will be launching a statewide partnership for individual schools throughout Iowa.  The partnership will seek to bring together the many practitioners, coordinators, and champions of Safe Routes to School and to provide an open means of communication and sharing between the many school level programs in Iowa.  

Not only will schools be able to bounce ideas and success stories off of other members but as an organization the Iowa Safe Routes Program will be able to better serve partnering members by providing resources, news updates, and incentives for qualifying programs.  Our hope is that all of this will eventually result in a network that is large enough to support a yearly conference dedicated to the Safe Routes to School Program and ways to further the program at the local level.

Schools interested in becoming inaugural members of the Safe Routes to School Partnership can read more about the partnership and its structure, which includes a tiered structure for schools to progress through as they implement more programs and strive for sustainability, at the Iowa Safe Routes to School webpage and click on "partnership" tab.

This page not only includes all of the requisite background information but at the bottom you will find a webform which will allow you to take the first step in becoming a school level partner.  This form is also  available as a hard copy and can be mailed to you upon request.

For more information about this program, contact Nick Sobocinski, Iowa Bicycle Coalition at or 515.309.2867.

Tag: activeliving schoolwellness

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