
Riceville students use the new Wildcat Trail to walk to school

Posted: October 30, 2011
Riceville students use the new Wildcat Trail to walk to school

Students of the Riceville School had a real treat on the morning of October 5, 2011 when Senator Mary Jo Wilhelm joined the students for International Walk to School Day. Students gathered at the Methodist Church and walked the several blocks to school with the guidance of Nurses Jeannie Watts, Cheryl Smalley, and Sandy Offen as adult mentors and several student crossing guards.

Upon arrival at the school, students and teachers gathered for a ribbon cutting ceremony at the head of the newly paved Wildcat Trail, a walking path installed around the school grounds. Members of Buckwheat and Sons, the contractors for the trail, held the ribbon across the path and Senator Wilhelm cut the ribbon. After the ceremony, students and teachers took an inaugural lap around the path before heading to classes.

The Wildcat trail was installed as part of the school's commitment to healthy living. Students will be able to track their walking record along the trail. Art students will soon paint paw prints lining the Wildcat Trail.

To commemorate the special event, student participants were given a certificate of completion of International Walk to School Day, a fitness-themed coloring book, and Wildcat Trail bookmarks.

Elaine Govern, member of the school's wellness team, organized this event in conjunction with the school's "Walking Wednesdays," a project initiated to get students to safely walk to school the first Wednesday of each month.

By Melanie Stewart, AmeriCorps

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