
School Food Service Workers Complete ServSafe Training

Posted: September 25, 2011
School Food Service Workers Complete ServSafe Training

School food service employees from five school districts participated in a day-long food safety in-service taught by Iowa State University Extension specialist Cindy Baumgartner.  The training was part of the Farm to School project in northeast Iowa.  

Nineteen food service staff from South Winneshiek, Oelwein, West Central, MFL Mar-Mac and Central of Elkader school districts participated in the training.

ServSafeŽ is a program of the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation.  The training focuses on food hazards and proper food handling practices to keep food safe and protect the establishment against foodborne-illness outbreaks.  Participants learned about prevention, regulatory requirements, and how to improve food quality.

Participants have the option of testing for certification upon completion of training.  Ninty-five percent of the participants passed the exam and are ServSafeŽ certified for five years. 

Participants in the ServSafe training and the school or organization they represent:
Back row (L to R):  Cindy Baumgartner, ISU Extension; M. Streittmatter, Oelwein;  J. Turner, Oelwein; L. Lechtenberg, S. Winn; L. Boleyn, Oelwein; D. Vargason, Oelwein; K. Westendorf, West Central; M. Oakland, S. Winn; T. Fink, West Central.  Middle (L to R):  S. Lewey, MFL Mar-Mac; D. Larson, Oelwein; L. Bartels, Oelwein; B. Zubrod, Oelwein; T. Lewis, Oelwein; P. Rechkemmer, Oelwein; W. Miller, West Central.  Front Row:  J. Krueger, MFL Mar-Mac; R. Engelhardt, Central; L. Bunting, Central; D. Ledesma, Oelwein.

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