Farming the Web Builds Farm Business Capacity

Marketing is hard! And it can be even harder when you’re a full-time farmer running a local food business. Farmers will be the first to admit that they didn’t get into this line of work because they love creating brands, building websites or planning marketing strategies, but because they love growing good food for their neighbors. That’s why farmers are often short on this skill, and why folks in Region 4 identified it as a high-priority educational opportunity on NEIA Beginning Farmer Network surveys last fall. In response to their needs, we developed a full-day workshop entitled “Farming the Web; Managing the Gateway to Your Farm Business” with Ash Bruxvoort. Continue reading

PFI accepting applications for the 2014-15 Savings Incentive Program

sweet earth 2Practical Farmers of Iowa is now accepting applications for the 2014-2015 Savings Incentive Program. The two-year program pairs beginning and aspiring farmers with experienced mentors; offers participants the chance to save money and receive matching funds while learning how to build a profitable farm; and seeks to support the next generation through guidance and a firm knowledge base on which to build their farm businesses.

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