Farm to Pizza with Third Graders!

East Elementary students made mini pizzas as part of a grant to teach “Farm to Pizza” curriculum! After reviewing the components of MyPlate, students drew pictures of pizza toppings and ingredients while determining if they are a grain, fruit, vegetable, dairy or protein! Continue reading

Harnessing the Harvest

It is harvest season here at Allamakee and boy do we have a bounty! In clearing the garden beds for a winter planting, we harvested beautiful beets and krafty kohlrabi to be used by the Waukon Middle School Cooking Club. We also pulled a few surprise carrots from the beds! Continue reading

Farm to School Month in Allamakee!

October was a very special month for students across the nation that eat school lunch – Farm to School Month! Throughout the weeks leading up to Halloween, Allamakee schools celebrated by hosting cafeteria taste tests, learning how local food impacts the communities we live in and filling lunch trays with locally grown apples, pork and beef! All local food was purchased through the Iowa Food Hub which provides transportation and a market for farms growing food within 150 miles of West Union, IA. Typically, these are beginning farmers who harvest within the six county region of Northeast Iowa. Continue reading