What do you do when you have to meet with 7 school resource contacts (RCs) and 7 core partners in 70 minutes? You speed-date! Continue reading
Category Archives: Best Practices
Best Practice: Garden Education Curricula
The Iowa Nutrition Network School Grant Program supports nutrition education in after-school and summer-school settings as well as in tandem with the Summer Food Service Program. Continue reading
Top 5 Lessons I Have Learned (so far) From Doing School Taste Tests
With Farm to School month in full swing, I have been doing taste tests to highlight local foods at St. Joe’s and the New Hampton public school. I started with doing a taste test of roasted pumpkin seeds using seeds from St. Joe’s school garden. From there I progressed to doing a variety of bell peppers and hummus at the public school. Once I had done my first taste tests at both the school I’m serving at, I decided to get a little more ambitious. One day, I decided it would be a great idea to do a kale chips taste test at the public school for the entire elementary and middle school! Although all of the taste tests I did have gone pretty well, there were some lessons I learned along the way…. Continue reading
Best Foods to Jumpstart Farm to School
How do you get started with Farm to School? In our experience, these are the best foods to get started. Continue reading
Best Practice: Walking Clubs
I scream, you scream, we all scream for WALKING CLUB!
Walking Clubs, also known as Mileage Clubs, are simple and fun ways to incorporate more physical activity into a student’s day. Continue reading
Best Practice: Flavor Stations
Several schools in NE Iowa have seen success with “Flavor Stations” or “Spice Stations” in lunchrooms. The stations are a great way to give students a way to experiment with different flavors for their food beyond added salt, sugar or fat. Continue reading