Author Archives: Teresa
Turkey River Farm has built direct markets around rural Clayton County customers
By Tamsyn Jones, Outreach and Publications Coordinator, Practical Farmers of Iowa Continue reading
Produce from School Garden Donated to Local Food Shelf
The Waukon Summer Kids Day Program, “Food, Fitness, Fun!” has been working hard to keep the plants in the school gardens as nourished and bountiful as possible. In August, the tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, and ground cherries were coming in quickly. Students shared the bounty with the Summer Feeding Program and also donated to the Allamakee County Food Shelf Continue reading
School Gardens are Flourishing in Waukon
The school gardens at two Waukon elementary schools are flourishing thanks to the green thumbs of the young gardeners involved in the Summer Food and Fitness program hosted by the Iowa 4-H AmeriCorps program, ISU Extension and Outreach and Allamakee Community School District. Continue reading
More Snap Pea Recipes
Postville Summer School had delicious Snap for Snap Peas celebration for lunch! Grades 4-6 chose recipes and organized ingredients lists, then prepared their dishes and served taste tests to students. Click here for the original post and winning recipe for Snap Pea Pizza. Continue reading
FFI Bits – July 2019
Double Up Bucks available in Decorah
Have you heard? Double Up Food Bucks is available at three locations in Decoarh. Double Up Food Bucks provides participants in the SNAP program with a one-to-one match to purchase healthy, locally grown fruits and vegetables. (SNAP stands for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program formerly known as food stamps.) Continue reading
Power of Produce Kid’s Club coming to Waukon Farmers Market
ISU Extension and Outreach and the Waukon Farmers Market are introducing a new free kids program at the farmers market starting July 1. The Power of Produce Kid’s Club (PoP Club) is open to children ages 4 through 12. Continue reading
FFI Bits – June 2019
Seeking AmeriCorps Member for Waukon
The Allamakee Community School District in partnership with the NE Iowa Food and Fitness Initiative is accepting applications for a full-time AmeriCorps service member for the 2019-2020 school year. Continue reading