Women Stitching Mother Nature Back Together

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend the annual WFAN conference, Woman Food and Ag Network. The first session I attended was the Plate to Politics Leadership Training. This was a valuable training focussed on our strengths as individuals and as women. They encouraged us to see ourselves as leaders and to fight the inner voices that often tell women that they aren’t good enough. We all took time to independently brainstorm about our individual strengths and worked together as a team to find strategies to broadcast these strengths. The speaker’s belief was that the overwhelming environmental crisis depends on woman to take political roles and to use our good strategizing and compromising nature to make change. I’m not yet convinced that a role in politics is my calling, but I am on board to continue a life fighting for environmental justice. Continue reading

Garden Produce for Days

Yay for school garden produce! This year at Central we grew a lot of food, which is awesome, but also means thinking outside the box to get all of it eaten. A lot of our produce was donated to the local food shelf and used in garden clubs, but now that we are back in school, I am trying to get as much of it into the cafeteria as possible. What better way than a taste test! Continue reading