Turkey Valley kindergarten students incorporating the garden into their common core – writing and observation skills.
Turkey Valley kindergarten students incorporating the garden into their common core – writing and observation skills.
“Seeds… yay!”
“It smells like summer in here!”
“I love how dirt feels on my hands!”
“Can we take these home?”
“Woah! Those seeds are so small!”
“I put the seed in its spot. Should I hide it now?”
I bet you didn’t know that you could exercise and make a yummy snack at the same time!
“Did you know that sometimes we have to teach our tongue to like things?”
Sometimes it’s easy to miss the little things. Often because we’re wanting the big results to happen – for the big mountains to be moved. But what if the little things were the beginning of that big movement – what if the little things were the beginning of a shift that was happening, and all-together, those little things added up to moving the big things? To moving the mountain? Continue reading
As October is farm-to-school month, we’ve been having a blast celebrating our farmers and all the work they do! The students at both Turkey Valley and St. Joseph’s collected photos of their favorite farmers and we created a display in the lunch room of these food heroes. Continue reading
It’s been a busy harvest season at St. Joe’s! Our gardens have been bursting with produce and it’s been great to get out and learn as we harvest yummy veggies! Continue reading
The life of a new Food and Fitness Resource Contact: lots of meetings, lots of new names and introductions, lots of curious looks from kids, lots of buysness… but LOTS of FUN! Continue reading