Author Archives: Northeast Iowa Safe Routes to School
Be the change you wish to see in the world
Hot Diggity Dog! Our Bus Got a Brand New Set of Wheels!
Governor Reynolds Announces Statewide Childhood Health Campaign
Decorah Selected for 2018 Visioning Program
AMES, Iowa – Decorah is one of 10 Iowa communities that have been selected to participate in the Iowa’s Living Roadways Community Visioning program in 2018. Continue reading
Bike Rodeos Abound
Nearly 2000 students were educated on bike and pedestrian safety education this spring through Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission’s Bike Rodeo events held in conjunction with area schools. During the Bike Rodeos, students learned many important safety skills and then practiced their new skills on an obstacle course and mini-roadway. Helmets (just about 600!) were also handed out to any student needing one free of charge. Continue reading
After School Walking Club
Scot Michelson Receives National Recognition for Active Living Efforts

Scot Michelson (center) during a local award recognition in West Union. He is pictured with Jes Wegner of Palmer Community Health and Todd Coffelt of Iowa DNR.