February 14th is Valentine’s Day, which we all know is a day to celebrate love. But did you know that February 14th is also Library Lovers’ Day, which is a day dedicated to book lovers across the globe. This day honors libraries, and all of the amazing books for all ages they hold within them.
Do you remember the wonder you experienced when you first discovered something as a child? Or think back to times when your own children or grandchildren discovered or experienced something new. Maybe it was just a simple idea, a place in nature, a new understanding of something, a new place, or a new imaginary game. This feeling of pure childlike joy is the feeling people are encouraged to remember this Library Lovers’ Day through their 2022 theme: “Show the Love”.
Library Lovers’ Day was initially started in Australia in 2006 and became a national holiday in 2007 when the Australian Library and Information Association joined in on the campaign to promote their passion for books. Though their original intent was to raise awareness of the services some of the great libraries offered, the day soon became one that provided solace to those who were unfortunately dateless on Valentine’s Day!
Our libraries are a place where we can get lost in an idea we are researching, find an adventure we are seeking in a book, learn more about an issue we feel passionate about or get help from someone about something we want to know more about.
I love going to the library for these reasons and more. Even in this day and age of internet search engines, the library still serves as an essential educational resource. A library membership and checking out books from the library does not cost you anything. And during our fast-paced lives, I find the library to be a place of peace, quiet and tranquility.
On Library Lovers’ Day, take a child to the library and let them experience the literacy wonder that your local library has to offer. For children of all ages, it’s easy for them to find books about topics they are interested in, check them out and take them home for hours of enjoyment. During these cold days of February, cuddle up in a warm blanket and experience the pure joy of reading, and “Show the Love”.
Author, Vicki Starks, Fayette County F2ECE Associate