Quick and Easy Cucumbers Salad! 

Hi everyone, sorry we can’t be together for the rest of the year but wanted to talk a little about the food of the month – Cucumbers

Cucumbers are great food for you and fun to plant in the garden, there are lots of varieties of cucumbers and many seeds available at your local stores. Some are straight, some are small for pickling and some are skinny and burpless “low in seeds”. 

Here is a quick easy recipe for cucumber salad, when they start coming in season:


2 T. of Olive oil

2 t. Lemon Juice

½ T. Honey 

1 t. Apple Juice

A little salt and pepper to taste, mix dressing and add peeled and sliced cucumbers. If you like a creamy dressing, try adding a few Tablespoons of Plain Greek Yogurt.  


Cucumbers are a vining plant, and look beautiful in your garden, they also have pretty flowers that sprout before the cucumbers start to develop. 


Cucumbers grow in Iowa, a good source of Vitamin C and can be eaten raw, with salads, and are also canned. 


Be sure to check your local farmers market in the coming months to get some fresh garden cucumbers, or plant some seeds in your garden soon. 


Take care, and stay well.


Author: Jessica Skoda, NE Iowa Food & Fitness F2ECE Associate

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