Hot Diggity Dog! Our Bus Got a Brand New Set of Wheels!

Our Walking School Bus, that is! A very, very special thanks to Jes Wegner at Gundersen Palmer Community Health and Jodi Granger at Signs by Design for donating a BRAND NEW Walking School Bus bus cut-out to our regional Walking School Bus program here at UERPC. When we are out and about joining Walking School Buses, our bus is right there with us. It’s a great promotional tool for the program, but more than anything else, THE KIDS LOVE IT! The bus is even known for turning morning frowns upside down in an instant.


I’ll admit I’m still partial to our old bus. I spent hours creating that thing from a big piece of cardboard I found sitting near our dumpster. I hand-traced the design and text, eyeballing it from an 8×11 sheet of paper printed with a sample bus idea. And after EIGHT coats of yellow paint, I realized the importance of primer…even on cardboard! To keep the bus sturdy, I taped colorful pencils on the back side (who knew these would be such a HUGE hit with the kiddos!) and used who knows how much clear packing tape to weatherproof it.


After nearly six years of use and probably hundreds of miles traveled during that time, I guess our old bus is looking a tad shabby and a bit dented. Yes, I suppose it is time to give this bus some well-deserved rest and let the new wheels roll! Thanks again, Jes and Jodi😊!


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