On the Podium… with the Healthiest Schools in the Nation!

Power Panther in the bleachers

Central Community School district celebrated a great accomplishment on Tuesday, November 27th 2012, when the district received the Bronze award of the HealthierUS School Challenge. Ann Feilman, Chief of the Iowa Department of Education’s Food and Nutrition Bureau, was on hand to present the award, along with other bureau staff, in an all-school assembly Tuesday. Wellness team members, including administrators, the school nurse, the food service director, staff, students, community members, and Central’s Northeast Iowa Food and Fitness Resource Contact, received a banner to hang in the school and a monetary prize to enhance food and fitness programs. Power Panther, the nutrition mascot, also made an appearance to pump up the crowd and get everyone dancing .



Central is the first public school district in the state to be recognized for the award, and the only school in Northeast Iowa Food and Fitness Initiative’s 6 county range to win Healthier US Schools award. Out of 1700 school buildings in the state, only 22 have won.  The Bronze  recognizes Central’s  improved nutrition in the lunchroom, increased intensity in physical education courses, and integrated nutrition education in the classroom. Central has been making great strides to enhance the health of their students in these venues, and the school’s Wellness team continues to set higher goals to make the Central community a healthier, happier place to grow and learn. CONGRATULATIONS CENTRAL!

The Central Wellness Team holds up the Bronze banner

See KCRG TV 9’s video of Central at http://www.kcrg.com/news/local/Elkader-Named-One-of-the-Healthiest-Districts-in-Nation-181517581.html


Also visit the Tatler’s blog to see more photos by Peyton Alexie at http://centraltatler.com/2012/11/28/central-recognized-as-a-healthy-school/


To learn more about the HealthierUS School Challenge visit http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/healthierus/index.html





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